Airline 62-2500
Bands: AM, SW
Tube Lineup: 6SJ7, 6J5, 6SK7, 6SK7, 6SQ7, 6V6, 5Y3
This simple Airline was my first console and found in a nearby Dallas, Texas antique store in 2000. The label inside the cabinet explicitly says "MODEL 62-2500" but no trace of this model can be found in any books or references. I believe that the chassis is identical to the model 54WG-2500A that came with a built-in phonograph. The 62-2500 does not have a phonograph but the chassis has a socket for the phonograph motor and a phonograph input jack.
Zenith 5-D-611
(mobile swipe right)
Mantola G45-XJ5
(mobile swipe left)
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Jon Stanley