DeWald 430 "Robinhood"
Bands: AM
Tube Lineup: 38, 6C6, 6D6, 12Z3
This DeWald 430 was produced by Pierce Airo, Inc. of New York City with the "Robinhood" nameplate affixed to the front of the case. Pierce Airo also produced radios using various obscure nameplates including "Dynette," "Royal Roice" and "Little Giant." The model 430 was offered in either a wooden or metal case.
Although the model 430 schematic is filed in Riders volume 7 and would typically date the radio to 1937, I'm inclined to think this is actually a circa 1933 model because it was designed and built like many of the other low-cost "lunchbox" radios manufactured during the peak of the Depression Era in 1932-33. However, the 6C6 and 6D6 tubes were not introduced until 1936 so despite a refresh of the tube lineup, the TRF radio receiver design and cabinet of the model 430 were already relatively dated compared to many other attractive low cost bakelite radios available in 1936. It still is nevertheless a decent performer for a TRF receiver and picks up many stations across the dial. It only has 4 electrolytics and a handful of paper capacitors that were easy to restuff to maintain the original appearance of the electronics.