Crosley 124 "Playtime"

Crosley 124 "Playtime"


Bands: AM

Tube Lineup: 35, 27, 24A, 35, 27, 47, 47, 80

The Crosley "Playtime" grandfather clock has the model 124 chassis also used in many other Crosley models including consoles and tabletop cathedral radios. The cabinet border around the clock face was an early photo finish made to look like burled walnut. With age, this finish tends to discolor with a slight green tint. I purchased my example at a local radio auction in 2024 in a project state and the previous owner was in the process of restoring the photo finish. I opted to replace the photo finish with real burled walnut veneer. The radio is an early superheterodyne with push-pull audio output using a pair of 47 tubes. This Crosley was originally priced at $95 in 1931.

Majestic 103

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Gloritone 99A

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Jon Stanley